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Movin' Up From Down Under Blog #3


Movin' Up From Down Under Blog #3

The Movement Fam

Week #3: Get Your Hate On

More Loud blog...

So last week we were in love with the internet. Now it’s time to get our hate on a lil bit. It’s healthy, really. And I wouldn’t call it ‘hate’ per se. ‘Hate’ is a strong word. I’ll call it ‘the truth’.

Aight, we have a gang of reasons that we’re aiming to crack the North American market, as a priority over our homeland. The population is one. Australia has 22 odd million folks; the USA and Canada has pushing 400 million heads. You do the math. Also, the US is the home of Hip Hop; it’s ingrained in your culture. In 2008, folks of most age groups, genders, cultures, backgrounds, professions, sexual persuasions, whatever, feel Hip Hop, listen to it, and better yet, understand it. That’s the key; the average Aussie still views Hip Hop as a violent, foreign, and unrelatable culture from the other side of the world. So essentially, y’all have a market for it. And yes, we realise that with so many people and music being so easily produced and released these days, the competition is greater than ever. I still reckon there’s a better chance of making some noise over there than Down Under.

Now, seeing as the US created Hip Hop, why on earth would Americans (and Canadians for that matter) be interested in Australian Hip Hop artists? Well, that’s what we thought; until we started getting more interest from that side of the planet than at home. And as this continued, we started to pursue it as oppose to just take it as it comes (no homo).

The Australian scene is mad young in comparison. Our good friend, Canadian MC Eternia, told us once that she felt that Australia (Melbourne in particular) reminds her of Toronto or New York twenty years ago, in the sense that we still have the ‘purist’ attitude out here; artists generally haven’t been warped by the corporate machines. In Melbourne, there’s a strong graffiti community, regular b-boy, DJ and MC battles, and most folks do it for the love as opposed to legitimately making a career out of rap; they don’t think it’s possible. And for the most part, they’re right. Whenever a Hip Hop act does a show in Melbourne, it’s almost a guarantee that the majority of the crowd will be staunch, screwfaced MC’s. Well, that’s our experience, anyway, and that of a lot of our mates in the scene. It’s not the best atmosphere to rock a show in. We found the same thing in Toronto, actually, hence the name coined by Theo 3, ‘The Screwface Capital’.

One striking difference we found from dealing with cats in the US and Canada is the overwhelming willingness that people had to help us out. It blew our minds, both before we left and moreso when we got there. Not one meeting went by without that person putting us in touch with someone else that they felt could be beneficial to our trip. It was amazing. The thing is that you would rarely find that sort of attitude in Australia – most folks here are out for themselves. And maybe we only were looked after as we were foreigners and not so much of a threat. But at home, nobody does shit for nobody, particularly within Hip Hop. I believe it’s due to a belief that the ‘pie’, so to speak, isn’t big enough to go around, so people protect what they have.

Whatever the reasons, our experiences with North Americans have been incredibly positive, and we are inspired more than ever to keep at it.

Plug of the week: Wake Your Daughter Up! Blog did a lil write up on us for our trip, so have a bit of a read:

Cee & Bekah interview (link to:
Notion interview (link to:

So until next time, stay real, stay raw, stay rugged, stay grimey. It’s the only way.

The Movement Fam.


Movin' Up From Down Under Blog #1

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Movin' Up From Down Under Blog #1

The Movement Fam

Aight, so like a year ago we were doing a blog on called 'Movin' Up From Down Under' via the homie J Master. They ended up posting like three of our pieces but it kinda fell by the wayside, however I wrote like 8 blogs so I thought I might as well share them here.

Here's the first instalment:

Week #1: An Introduction…

So, I’m guessin’ that most of y’all didn’t know Australians even knew much about Hip Hop, let alone be able to make it – and with soul. See, that’s the beauty of coming from Down Under; well, it’s pretty much the only major benefit of being Hip Hop/Soul artists from Australia. We are unassuming to the rest of the world. Most heads couldn’t name an Aussie Hip Hop act off the top, with the exception of a certain producer who’s killin’ it right now. And that, my friends, is what we’re here to change.

‘We’ are The Movement Fam, an independent Soul/Hip Hop collective currently based in Melbourne, Australia. The name might not be familiar just yet, but goddamnit, we’re gonna blog our asses off ‘til it is! The crew comprises of Bekah, the lady of the Fam, who also happens to possess one of the most soulful voices that I done heard in a minute; my little brother Notion, who can flow like a muhfucka, plus he’s putting in work on the engineering and production tip; my dude Tommy Gunnz, a licensed solicitor who kills mics with his uniquely Australian wit; and myself, Cee, who also can spit a lil something, while I handle the biz side of things.

Y’all will get to know all of us each week as we detail our little adventures in the music business. We’ve been through a lotta shit to get to where we are, and we’ve barely started. We recently returned from a self-funded networking trip to the USA and Canada, which was an interesting and amazing experience, and we’ll be telling y’all all about it in the coming weeks, from all our perspectives. And we’ll be letting y’all in on all the struggles, successes, frustrations and politricks that we deal with on a day-to-day basis as Australian artists trying to break into the American market.

I’ma keep the intro short, coz we’re gonna have a lot to speak on later on haha. So you can get a better idea of who we are and what we sound like, head over to, where you can download our latest projects – Notion’s ‘World Domi-NoTiOn’ mixtape and Cee & Bekah’s ‘The Soul Movement Volume 2’ mixtape. That’d be a good start. And producers, if you like what you hear, make sure you download the acapella’s and submit a lil something for the remix contest.

Stay up, stay tuned and stay shittin’ on ‘em.

The Movement Fam.

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Movin' Up From Down Under - blog


Movin' Up From Down Under - blog

Movin' Up From Down Under - blog

The Movement Fam done moved up in the world. Thanks to the homie J. Master in NYC, we now have an official regular blog on That's right, folks.

'Movin' Up From Down Under' (Week #1) details the struggles, successes, trials, tribulations, thoughts, learnings, ponderings and blatant self-promotion of a bunch of Australian Soul/Hip Hop artists trying to crack North America.

This first post actually went up in early November but I only found out today! There's a couple more already written in the vaults so they shouldn't be too far behind.
